This was an alarming number compared to 2011 when there were reportedly 826,000 distracted driving accidents. Distracted driving happens when a driver's attention is taken away from the driving task because they are focused on something else. 15% of all police-reported injury crashes were distraction-related. Tennessee. In Louisiana, 193 people were killed from 2016-2020 because of some distraction either inside or outside the vehicle, and another 23,010 people were injured in 2020 alone. A higher percentage of drivers ages 15-20 were distracted than drivers age 21 and older. About 9% of stripling drivers ages 15-19 report driving distracted. Distracted Driving Statistics. 47 When a driver listens to conversation or music, the focus dedicated to driving decreases by 40 percent. Distracted Driving Statistics 2022 The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's latest statistics reported 3,142 fatalities were caused by distracted driving auto accidents throughout the U.S. in a single year. 324,652 people sustained injuries in a distracted-driving accident, while 3,142 lost their lives. 4 This is because distraction impairs performance and reduces a driver's awareness. Bankrate also shares distracted driving statistics that are culled from a variety of national sources, including: In 2019, 3,142 people lost their lives to . 9. The proportion of distraction-affected injury crashes involving cell phone use increased from . This represents a total of more than 35,000 distracted driving related crashes every year across Alberta! Distracted drivers in Texas seriously injured 2,200 people and killed another 364 in 2020. 46,020 estimated motor-vehicle deaths in 2021, a 9% increase from 2020. Distracted Driving Statistics in 2022 By Taylor Covington Updated July 7, 2022 Key insights + statistics In 2020, distracted driving was a reported factor in 8.1% of fatal motor vehicle crashes. 87% of rear-end collisions involve some form of distracted driving. Hands-free primary enforcement laws would mean that officers could ticket drivers "who are operating mobile handheld devices behind the wheel," as opposed to hands-free devices. April 2022. They are always among drivers in crashes that lead to loss of lives; Young adults between the ages of 20 to 29 made up 25% of distracted or inattentive drivers involved in ghastly auto collisions. Here are some statistics on how distracted driving trends have changed over the years. The CDC have provided three categories indicating the most common types of driving distraction: Visual: Taking your eyes off the road. NHTSA 88% of drivers believe that distracted driving is on the rise. In fact, from 2000 to 2022, there was a 100% increase in the number of fatalities caused by distracted driving. (NHTSA) 35% of teens admit to texting and driving, even though 94%. Distracted driving accidents have seemingly increased over the years. Texting is the "most alarming" form of distracted driving. An essential part of your driver's education program is learning what it means to be an attentive driver or a distracted driver. One out of every five crashes on Texas roadways were caused by distracted driving in 2020. The majority of distractions happen between 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. 1. Distracted driving was also responsible for 46% of the 7,308 serious injury crashes that happened that year. AAA 2,841 people were killed and an estimated 400,000 were injured by distracted driving in 2018. Distracted driving. From 2016 to 2020, distraction-affected injury crashes have decreased 27% and now number 215,000. Driver inattention is the leading factor in most crashes and near-crashes, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and Virginia Tech Transportation Institute. 48 20 percent of drivers report grooming or otherwise styling their hair while driving. A Person is Injured Every Half Hour: On average, someone is injured in a distracted driving collision every half hour in Ontario. While comparatively, Georgia isn't nearly the worst state for fatal accidents stemming from distracted driving, there were still 44 fatal crashes in 2019, with 81% of them occurring at non-intersections. The Top States by Distracted Driving Deaths. Distracted Driving Statistics Updated for 2022 The NHTSA confirms the following information: Using a cell phone while driving creates " enormous potential for deaths and injuries " on U.S. roads. Likewise, distraction-affected property damage-only crashes totaled 563,000 in 2011, increased to 667,000 in 2014, and then fell back to 617,000 in 2015. In California, you cannot use a cell phone or similar electronic communication device while holding it in your hand. Statistics for Distracted driving involve engaging in activities or businesses that keep your eyes off the road. Distracted driving contains any habits that takes a driver's eyes off the street, corresponding to consuming, consuming, texting, making use of make-up or smoking. Statistics show that a significant percentage of accidents occur when the driver is distracted, which includes texting and driving. BY: Patrick Murray DATE: Sep 12,2022 IN: Distracted Driving For nearly 200 years, new inventions have been called dangerous, deadly, and sure to end life as we know it. The number of deaths due to distracted driving has been on the rise in recent years. But multitasking is a myth. Distracted driving is any activity that diverts attention from driving, including talking or texting on your phone, eating and drinking, talking to people in your vehicle, fiddling with the stereo, entertainment or navigation system anything that takes your attention away from the task of safe driving. Among these younger drivers, 9% of them were distracted at the time of the crash. While distracted driving can involve any form of distraction, texting and driving is among the most dangerous. The link between these accidents and distracted driving is significant: in recent studies from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), it is estimated that: Roughly 20% of driving-related injuries, including deaths, are the result of distracted driving. On average, there were more than 1,000 distracted driving crashes every week across our state last year. Texting and driving. Texting and Driving Statistics 2019/2022 (Virginia Tech Transportation Institute, 2021) Sending or reading a text takes your eyes off the road for 5 seconds. Distracted Driving Awareness Month. The most distracted time window is 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Driver distraction is a contributing factor in many crashes. The most distracted day of the week is Friday The least distracted day of. Additionally, CDC data from 2018 indicates that approximately 400,000 people were injured in distracted driving car accidents. Looking at Your Phone for 5 Seconds While Going 55 MPH is Equivalent to Driving the Length of a Football Field Blindfolded. Below is a concise and well-researched rundown of the most important statistics on the subject. Driving is a visual task and non-driving activities that draw the driver's eyes away from the roadway should always be avoided. Distracted driving causes more than 3,000 deaths per year. Cognitive: Taking your mind off driving. (for every 10 billion miles) 1. 1. Furthermore, the distracted driving report states that drivers aged 15-19 were more likely to be distracted than drivers aged 20 and older, among drivers in crashes where someone died. This could be, for example: The risk of a collision goes up when a driver's eyes and attention are taken off the road. In Canada, the minimum fine for using your phone while driving is $432.5. Distracted Driving. Many drivers believe they can multitask and still operate a vehicle safely. 3,142 people were killed, and 424,000 people were injured . Distracted Driving Deaths. 2. Updated Nov. 30, 2021. While there is an endless amount of driving stats and facts, here are 10 stats that every driver should know. In 2019, distracted driving led to 3,142 fatalities, an estimated 424,000 injuries, and 15% of all police-reported vehicle traffic crashes on US roads. The NHTSA's 2019 Summary of Statistical Findings reports the following data: 9% of all police-reported fatal crashes were distraction-related. For additional data information, visit FLHSMV's Distracted Driving Crash Dashboard. In 2020, 3,142 people were killed in motor vehicle crashes involving distracted drivers. According to 2020 NHTSA data, cell phone use or texting. Although cell phone use and texting are two of the most common . According to a table from Bankrate that utilizes NHTSA data, in 2019, there was a reported 986,000 distracted driving accidents. About 8% of drivers involved in distracted driving cases aged between 15 to 20 . In addition, distracted driving Ontario statistics disclose that in some provinces like Ontario, the maximum fine for distracted driving is a whopping $3,000. Distracted driving causes almost one million accidents per year. (NHTSA) Distracted Driving Stats for 2022 (Editor's Pick) Every year, distracted drivers account for about 2.5 million car crashes worldwide In 2019, distracted driving was responsible for 9% of the fatal motor vehicle accidents Distracted driving is anything that takes your eyes or mind off the road, or hands off the steering wheel - especially when texting or using your phone. About one-third of all traffic fatalities are caused, in part, due to driving too fast. Distracted driving plays a large role in the number of road crashes and subsequent road fatalities and injuries in Australia and globally. In BC, this percentage reaches 35.2%, which makes this province the most affected one as concerns distracted driving crashes. Using a device hands-free does not reduce driver distraction; in fact, drivers are still distracted by the conversation-this is called "cognitive distraction.". 14% of distracted driving casualties come from cellphone use. 7.20 fatalities. Distracted Driving 2022: Statistics, Prevention, Attentive Driver's Habits. 3 out of 4 Canadian drivers admitted to driving distracted Quebec is the least-affected province among the big four, at 21% of road crashes related to distracted driving. Top texting and driving statistics and facts. Distracted driving statistics 2022 he latest data available from the National Highway Transportation and Safety Administration (NHTSA) shows over 3,000 people were killed by distracted. (NHTSA) In the U.S, distracted driving claimed the lives of 3,477 people and injured another 391,000 in 2015. 46 62 percent of distracted driving collisions are caused by drivers letting their mind wander off the road. By paying attention to the roadway and their own actions inside the vehicle, attentive . Some of these activities include drinking coffee and using your phone. NHTSA Distracted driving was responsible for 14% of all police-reported motor vehicle traffic crashes in 2018. Motorists aged 15-19 are more likely to be distracted than drivers aged 20 and older. More aware than ever of the deadly distracted driving problem, 86% of American drivers now support hands-free legislation, according to Nationwide's 2022 survey. In 2019, there were 15% more distractions per 100 miles compared to 2018. In 2018, 57% more drivers used their cell phones while driving than in 2014. In 2018, almost 10% of drivers admitted to using a cell phone while driving during daylight hours. Manual: Taking your hands off the wheel. Speeding Causes Most Accidents & Fatalities Did you know that driving too fast is linked to the majority of all traffic accidents? Using your cell phone while driving is not only dangerous, but also illegal. (NHTSA) 60% of teens 18 and older admit to emailing . Texting distracts you long enough to travel the length of an entire football with your eyes off the road, driving at 55 mph. Texting and answering calls while driving tops the list of activities that cause accidents since you tend to lose your mental and physical focus . 1 A 2019 survey 3 of U.S. high school students found: 39% of high school students who drove in the past 30 days texted or emailed while driving on at least one of those days. A research note for statistics for 2020 traffic accident data found the following surprising distracted driving statistics 2022: Distracted driving caused 13% of all car crashes, 14% of those that resulted in injury and 8% of all fatal accidents. Risky distracted driving behaviors put everyone on the road at severe risk. 660,000 of drivers are using their cell phones while operating a vehicle at any moment in the day. "It is extremely dangerous when you drive distracted on Florida roadways," said Colonel Gene S. Spaulding, Director of the Florida Highway Patrol. Moreover, based on a survey done in 2018, in the United States, about 25% of car crashes are caused by distracted drivers aged between 20-25 years. Safe drivers are attentive. The state of Tennessee has the largest number of distracted driving deaths, statistics on distracted driving reveal (as seen in the table below) Rank. (Hello Safe) However, that number doubles for repeated infractions. Texting is the most alarming distraction. Twenty-five percent of the distracted drivers involved in fatal crashes were young adults aged 20-29, according to the 2020 CDC distracted driving report. Types of Distracted Driving Accidents Texting is a type of distracted driving, however deserves highlighting. April 6, 2022. Research has shown that in Australia, distraction is the main contributing factor in approximately 16% of serious casualty road crashes and also suggests that distracted driving is as dangerous, if not more . Distracted Driving Statistics for Canada in 2022 6 minutes Despite the increasing distractions in the average Canadian's lifestyle, most Canadians have welcomed these distractions into their driving habits regardless of the consequences. Distracted driving causes about 400,000 injuries per year. From the invention of the steam train traveling at 30 mph to modern-day cell phones, all new technology is frightening to some and exhilarating to others. 6. Here are five alarming facts about distracted driving that everyone should know. A person who texts and drives is 5-6 times as likely to have a crash than a drunk driver. Humans can only focus cognitive attention on one task at a time.