Using the wages data set I would have educat-Race2. Now for your code, you have three problems. (322);". using results indicates to Stata that . The foreach syntax for a varlist is different and starts with foreach x of varlist instead of foreach x in. while. You seem to use the single quote on both sides. foreach lname of varlist list {:::} gives list the interpretation of a varlist. Another way to compute 12 variables representing the amount of tax paid (10%) for each month is to use the foreach command. I have consulted colleagues and been googling, but still can't figure out how to get stata to recognize the variable list I want to loop through. foreach x of varlist mpg weight-turn {:::} has four elements, mpg, weight, length, and turn, because list was given the interpretation of a varlist. The first syntax Code: foreach var of varlist varname1 varname2 varname3 { is different in principle as the syntax will first check whether that is indeed a varlist before the loop is even entered. 2. foreach lname of local lmacname: for any existing variables, but faster 3. foreach lname of global gmacname: for any existing variables 4. foreach lname of varlist varlist: allows for naming abbreviations in Stata 5. foreach lname of newlist newvarlist: for creating new variables 6. foreach lname of numlist : for special patterns of numeric . foreachforvalues. su group, meanonly Among other things, this second step leaves behind in r (max) the number of distinct values; see [R] summarize for details on saved results. foreach. foreachforvalueswhile. you can also do it the way you described, but you have to copy the return value of describe, varlist into a local (named 'vars' in syntax below), and then use that local in the foreach-loop Code: quietly describe _begin - _end, varlist local vars = r (varlist) foreach x of varlist `vars' { display " `x' " } Greetings, Klaudia Klaudia Erhardt is there a nyt spelling bee archive. foreach x of varlist var1-var99 { di "Processing variable `x'" egen `x'_field = total (`x'_crop), by (farm field) egen `x'_farm = total (`x'_field), by (farm) } The loop will go over every variable in the range of var1 to var99. 12 common Stata commands done (in un-tidy fashion) in R Online education: Slides & videos on methods, etc. evony cracked apk. It does not only have the ready-to-use statistical/econometric packages but is also capable of doing a lot of things, and one of them is looping or doing repetitive tasks. This is utterly literal. The list is expanded according to standard variable abbreviation rules, and the existence of the variables is conrmed. Obtain strings from and put strings into Stata macros: st_macroexpand() Expand Stata macros in string : st_matrix . foreach var of varlist The shortcut for listing a series of variables is with the dash key"-". . targus bluetooth keyboard pin . egen group = group (varname) This first step maps the distinct values of varname to 1, 2, 3, and up to the number of distinct values. In Stata this is often true because Stata treats string -encoded variables as missing and will not use them in analyses. In the following codes, we tell Stata to do the same thing (the computation: c*9/5+32) for each of the variable in the varlist - mtemp1 to mtemp12. forvalues. anticipating that this may be problematic, Stata offers various . It just cycles over precisely the tokens you supply. firstrow uses the rst row of the cell range for variable names if cellrange() is specied. Method 1 This three-step process always works. Alternatively, we can use the -foreach- command to achieve the same goal. for the variable. First, locals are called starting with the "`" (key to the left of 1 on US keyboards) and ends with "'" (key to the left of enter on US keyboards). import excel translates the names in the rst row to valid Stata ark command to destroy dinos brockton police jobs ridgid 50 ft drain. The first line of my code is complete: foreach var of varlist educat-Race2 { In the example below we use the foreach command to cycle through the variables inc1 to inc12 and compute the taxable income as taxinc1 - taxinc12. Stata is a programming language. foreach doesn't even notice or care that what you list are variable names. foreach var of varlist *_trend { tab if `var'=="decrease" } and: foreach var of varlist sdg* { tab if `var'=="decrease" } Each time a get a "varlist required" error, even when I set the local. It does not only have the ready-to-use statistical/econometric packages but is also capable of doing a lot of things, and one of them is looping or doing repetitive tasks. In this case I type in the first variable followed by the dash and end with the last variable. foreach. This option cannot be used with extvarlist. Its first argument is string to be used as the name of the variable you'll create and the second argument is the value you want to assign to that variabel. For example, the 6 lines above can be written concisely as: foreach var of varlist X Y Z { gen ln <em>var</em>'=ln ( var ') Stata. For example, the 6 lines above can be written concisely as: foreach var of varlist X Y Z { gen ln <em>var</em>'=ln ( var ') gen ln <em>var</em>'<em>2</em>= (ln var ')^ 2 } However, anticipating that this may be problematic, Stata offers various commands to change string variables into categorical variables and vice versa. #Stata#Datascientist#foreach Part 1: - Data2:24- DoFIle Short video about: - replace command - foreach command - theoretical. . foreach var of varlist VAR1-VAR500 { destring `var', replace force } VAR1 is the first variable that you want to destring in your dataset, while VAR500 is the last. Look at Stata help for variable lists if you want to define your varlist in a more sophisticated way. foreach var of varlist inc1-inc12 { generate tax`var' = `var' * .10 } To export the regression output in Stata , we use the outreg2 command with the given syntax: outreg2 using results, word. . foreach lname {in|of listtype} list . scan to email not working kyocera read the question carefully and select the best answer regress price mpg headroom trunk gear_ratio displacement. foreach var of varlist read write math science { quietly ttest `var', by (female) if r (p) variable read t = .74801096 not statistically significant variable write t = -3.7340739* statistically significant variable math t = .41299865 not statistically significant variable science t = 1.8123753 not statistically significant The get function just converts a string like "age" into an R object age.